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You Ought to See Kentucky

By George Burchett-1957

Folks, you ought to see Kentucky
‘Cause I’m tellin’ you
That there ain’t no artist livin’
Who can paint her halfway true!
Why, the colors in her Mountains
Put the rainbow to shame—
And all the other states are jealous
Of the things that she lays claim.
Talk about your purty women—
We ain’t got no other kind!
And if a feller ain’t right careful
He can lose his peace of mind!
Then you know about the Bluegrass
And our famous Man O’ War
If you like the smell of horses—
Say, we’ve got them by the score!
I like them little fellers
Out there prancin’ in the sun—
Sure, I’d like to have a million,
And I’d love ‘em every one!
Yes, you out to see Kentucky—
There just ain’t not grander sight!
If it’s half as nice in Heaven
Everything will be alright!

Pg 32. The Kentucky Explorer-November 1990, Volume 5, Number 6

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